"It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder.
We need the storm, the whirlwind, the earthquake.
Frederick Douglass
2) Parent Student Union members -- Supporters & Recruiters
1) F.A.M.I.L.Y. Empowerment Student Achievement Institute
1) NAACP Education Committee
1) Marcus Garvey Association Y.O.--Retentions & Attendance
1) Your Heating & Plumbing Co. -- Board Subcommittee on Businesss, Non-instructional/Non-certificated Personnel
2) CAAA COORD. -- Board Subcommittee on Curriculum/Career Technical & Ohio Academic Distress Commission
1) United Front For Educational Justice -- State Legislature Education Committee, Ohio Superintendent, Academic Distress Commission
1) Community High Commission -- Community Ombudscommittee
5 Afrikan Village, Y.O. -- Consequences & Exploratory Working Group (P.O.W.E.R. Options)
1) Legal Defense Fund -- Legal research coordinator
1) Youngstown Academic Achievers Society
1) Youth Doing The Right Thing
1) African Academic Pyramid Achievers Society
1) African American History & Culture Study Group